Grows to approx. 6 inc. tall and produces combs in a mixture of several oustanding colors. Celosia grows better if planted directly outdoors in late spring. Do not plant them in shade though! They don't tolerate it
Grows to approx. 6 inc. tall and produces combs in a mixture of several oustanding colors. Celosia grows better if planted directly outdoors in late spring. Do not plant them in shade though! They don't tolerate it very well.
They are annual plants of tropical origin and are herbaceous meaning they lack a woody stem. They grow well in both humid and arid conditions, and their flowers can last for up to 8 weeks. A high number of seeds can be produced by each flower, up to 43,000 per ounce. The plant often grows up to 1 foot in height, though many are smaller. The leaves are either green or bronze/maroon, depending upon the cultivar. The flower can be broken into three parts: their spikes, plumes and crests vary from one another but have standard commonalities - they are usually brightly colored, usually red, yellow, pink, or orange, though other colors can be present. In some instances, a variety of colors are present in hybrids.