Advertise on SG 350 - 1
  • Advertise on SG 350 - 1

Advertise on SG

350,00 €

With over 100,000 visitors every month from all over the world,

Seeds Gallery is one of the most visited sites in Europe and in the world. Sites and companies who advertise with us except that of getting visitors to your site, they can also expect to gain rating of their site. If you want your advertisement to find on our site


With over 100,000 visitors every month from all over the world,

Seeds Gallery is one of the most visited sites in Europe and in the world.

Sites and companies who advertise with us except that of getting visitors to your site, they can also expect to gain rating of their site.

If you want your advertisement to find on our site we can offer the following option of advertising :

1. Your banner only on the first page "Advertising place 1" (site -link 1042 x 320) for only 450 euros for a period of 30 days.
2. Your banner only on the first page "Advertising place 2" (site -link 1042 x 320) for only 450 euros for a period of 30 days.
3. Your banner only on the first page "Advertising place 3" (site -link 1042 x 320) for only 450 euros for a period of 30 days.
4. Your banner only on the first page "Advertising place 4" (site -link 685 x 290) for only 350 euros for a period of 30 days.
5. Your banner only on the first page "Advertising place 5" (site -link 685 x 290) for only 350 euros for a period of 30 days.

Since that visit our site every month more than 100,000 visitors , if you have an attractive banner can expect a large number of visitors brought forward through this banner from our website.

We also offer discounts if you pay at once for 4 , 6 or 8 months.
If you make a payment for 4 months you will get another month for free ( total 5 )
If you pay for 6 months, you will have 2 more months for free ( total 8 )
If you pay for 8 months you get another 4 months for free ( total 12).

It is important that the majority of our visitors with the Google search engine from all over the world, which means that they are very good quality visitors.

Also here should be taken into account that we are sending visitors through a direct link, which is located on our web site with relevant content. Not only did we send you the visitors, we will positively impact the ranking of your site in Google search engine.

Number of visitors sent to you by the website depends on the attractiveness of your captions, banner, link ... Basically it's somewhere around 35 % of the number of visitors.

If you are interested in any of the above, all you have to do is send us an email and say which option you are interested. Or make purchase direct here.

It is necessary to send us the address of your site and banner image you want to promote.

If you have any additional questions or concerns we'll be happy to clarify everything and go out to meet it.

You can contact us at the following email :

Advertising (1)

1000 Przedmioty