Ορειβασία φράουλας σπόρους "Mount Everest"
  • Ορειβασία φράουλας σπόρους "Mount Everest"
  • Ορειβασία φράουλας σπόρους "Mount Everest"
  • Ορειβασία φράουλας σπόρους "Mount Everest"
  • Ορειβασία φράουλας σπόρους "Mount Everest"
  • Ορειβασία φράουλας σπόρους "Mount Everest"

Ορειβασία φράουλας σπόρους "Mount Everest"

2,50 €

Ορειβασία φράουλας σπόρους "Mount Everest"
Τιμή για το πακέτο των 10 σπόροι.
A unique climbing strawberry! This fast, strong growing variety will produce runners up to 1,5m in length that make a real talking point when trained up a trellis or obelisk climbing frame, or cascading from window boxes and hanging baskets. Better still, Strawberry 'Mount Everest' is an

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Ορειβασία φράουλας σπόρους "Mount Everest"

Τιμή για το πακέτο των 10 σπόροι.

A unique climbing strawberry! This fast, strong growing variety will produce runners up to 1,5m in length that make a real talking point when trained up a trellis or obelisk climbing frame, or cascading from window boxes and hanging baskets. Better still, Strawberry 'Mount Everest' is an ever-bearering variety that produces a delicious crop of medium sized, sweet, juicy fruits from June right through to September! Height: 1,5m. Spread: 30cm.

Estimated time to cropping once planted: 4-8 months.
Estimated time to best yields: 4-8 months.

V 1 CS
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Ανθεκτικό στο κρύο και παγετό: - 50° C
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