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Nasiona drzewa oliwnego - odmiana grecka (Olea europaea)

1,95 €
1,66 € Zniżka 15%
Oferta kończy się:

Nasiona drzewa oliwnego - odmiana grecka (Olea europaea)

Cena za Pakiet 5 lub 10 nasion.

Dlaczego mówimy, że ta oliwka jest odporna na zimę?
Ta oliwka, którą sami posiadamy i uprawiamy w dużej doniczce, od czterech lat przetrwała na zewnątrz (na podwórku) bez żadnych problemów zimą i w temperaturze -15 stopni Celsjusza.

Nasiona w paczce:

Ten przedmiot został sprzedany


Nasiona drzewa oliwnego - odmiana grecka (Olea europaea)

Cena za Pakiet 5 lub 10 nasion.

Dlaczego mówimy, że ta oliwka jest odporna na zimę?
Ta oliwka, którą sami posiadamy i uprawiamy w dużej doniczce, od czterech lat przetrwała na zewnątrz (na podwórku) bez żadnych problemów zimą i w temperaturze -15 stopni Celsjusza.

Wierzymy, że przetrwałby nawet temperatury do -25 stopni Celsjusza, a może i więcej...

The olive tree is a member of the Oleaceae family and a plant that is native to coastal areas in the Mediterranean. Olive trees are beautiful additions to any yard or indoor environment and can be grown relatively easily from their seed state.

Olives are now cultivated in many regions of the world with Mediterranean climates, such as South Africa, Chile, Peru, Australia, and California, and in areas with temperate climates such as New Zealand, under irrigation in the Cuyo region in Argentina which has a desert climate. They are also grown in the Córdoba Province, Argentina, which has a temperate climate with rainy summers and dry winters.

  Plant name - Olea europaea                   

  Common name - Olive - Kalamata variety

  Plant type - Evergreen

  Vegetation type - Perennial

  Growth rate - Slow

  Leaf / Flower color - Green / White

  Other names - Olive


Sowing Instructions


Seeds / Cuttings


Break seed coat gently, without hurting the seed inside.



Sowing Time:

all year round

Sowing Depth:

Light germinator! Just sprinkle on the surface of the substrate + gently press

Sowing Mix:

Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite

Germination temperature:

 about 20-25 ° C


bright + keep constantly moist not wet

Germination Time:

 2-4-8 Weeks


Water regularly during the growing season


Copyright © 2012 Seeds Gallery - Saatgut Galerie - Galerija semena. All Rights Reserved.

How to sow Olive Seeds 

V 116 (5 S)
286 Przedmioty


Zbierane ręcznie nasiona?
Ręcznie zbierane nasiona
Organic Seeds ?
Organic Seeds
Organic/natural ?
Organic/Natural: Yes
Edible ?
Pretreatment of sowing ?
Scarification needed: Yes
Soak in water before sowing: 24-48 h
Perennial ?
Perennial plant : Yes
Resistant to cold and frost ?
Cold resistant: to −15 °C
Suitable for growing in flower pot ?
Suitable for pot: Yes
Origin of seeds ?
Origin of Seeds: Greece
Origin Country of Variety ?
Variety from: Greece
Medicinal Plant ?
Medicinal Plant: Yes
Scientific name:
Olea europaea
Sun Exposure ?
Full sun from an early age
Tree Appearance ?
Ornamental Value: Pretty
Growth Rate ?
Medium Growth Rate
Trees Seeds
Nazwa zwyczajowa:
Kalamata olive
Olive tree
Planting Time?
Planting Time: Whole year-round
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor & Outdoor
Soil Type?
Soil Type: Appropriate soil
Watering: Medium
Cultivating Difficulty?
Cultivating Difficulty: Medium