Planta gigantica (cu fructe gigantice)
Giant Yellow Carrot Seeds  - 6
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  • Carrot Seeds Solar Yellow
  • Carrot Seeds Solar Yellow
  • Carrot Seeds Solar Yellow
  • Giant Yellow Carrot Seeds 1.5 - 6
  • Giant Yellow Carrot Seeds 1.5 - 2

Giant Yellow Carrot Seeds

2,25 €

Giant Yellow Carrot Seeds

Price for Package of 150 (0,15 g) seeds.

Giant fruits average weight 400g to 1 kg over 30cm long. Very sweet with a mild flavor and delightful crunchy texture. Bright yellow color.Great choice for salads, cooking, decorations and any use in the kitchen.

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Giant Yellow Carrot Seeds

Price for Package of 150 (0,15 g) seeds.

Giant fruits average weight 400g to 1 kg over 30cm long. Very sweet with a mild flavor and delightful crunchy texture. Bright yellow color.A great choice for salads, cooking, decorations and any use in the kitchen.

Avoid freshly-manured soil, which may produce hairy, rough roots and will cause forks and splits.

Sow seed thinly in rows, 1cm (1/2 in.) deep, 30-40cm (12-16 in.) between the rows as soon as the danger of hard frost has passed. Try to get about 4 seeds per 2cm (1 in.).

Thin to 16-20 carrots per 30 cm (1ft.) for fresh eating and 6-10 carrots per 30 cm (1ft.) for mature crops, depending on the root size you want, and keep weeded and watered. Dispose of thinned seedlings to avoid attracting Carrot Fly.

As they grow, push soil up over any exposed roots to prevent a green shoulder.

VE 18 Y (150 S)
1271 Produse

Fisa tehnica

Semințe culese manual?
Semințe culese manual
Organic Seeds ?
Organic Seeds
Organic/natural ?
Organic/Natural: Yes
Edible ?
Germination ?
Germination rate 85%
Pretreatment of sowing ?
Soak in water before sowing: 1-6 h
Sowing depth ?
Sowing depth 1 cm
Plant is suitable for growing ?
The plant is suitable for growing in a greenhouse
The plant is suitable for growing on a balcony-terrace
The plant is suitable for outdoors cultivation
Suitable for growing in flower pot ?
Suitable for pot: Yes
Fruit Weight ?
Fruit Weight : 500 - 1000 g