Planta resistente ao frio e geada
Sementes de Berberis julianae 1.5 - 5
  • Sementes de Berberis julianae 1.5 - 5
  • Sementes de Berberis julianae
  • Sementes de Berberis julianae
  • Sementes de Berberis julianae 1.5 - 3
  • Sementes de Berberis julianae 1.5 - 4

Sementes de Berberis julianae (Berberis julianae)

1,50 €

Sementes de Berberis julianae

Preço para o pacote de 5 sementes.

Berberis julianae (Wintergreen barberry or Chinese barberry) is a flowering evergreen shrub native to Central China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, and Sichuan). It is widely grown as an ornamental in

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Sementes de Berberis julianae

Preço para o pacote de 5 sementes.

Berberis julianae (Wintergreen barberry or Chinese barberry) is a flowering evergreen shrub native to Central China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, and Sichuan). It is widely grown as an ornamental in other temperate regions. It is reportedly naturalized in scattered parts of the United States (Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina and New York State).

Berberis julianae grows to a height of 3 metres, as a dense bush with spiny obovate leaves, suitable for hedging. Flowers are yellow flowers tinged with red, borne in clusters of up to 25 flowers. Berries are elliptical, dark purple, almost black, with a white bloom, up to 6 mm long.

T 52 (5 S)
12 Itens

Ficha informativa

Sementes escolhidas manualmente?
Sementes colhidas manualmente
sementes orgânicas ?
Sementes Orgânicas
Perene ?
Planta perene : sim
Resistente ao frio e da geada ?
Resistente ao frio: a −35° C
Altura da planta ?
Altura da planta 2.5 m
Origem das sementes?
Sementes importadas da Hungria