Drvo Grozdje Seme (Cyphostemma juttae) 7.5 - 1
  • Drvo Grozdje Seme (Cyphostemma juttae) 7.5 - 1
  • Drvo Grozdje Seme (Cyphostemma juttae) 7.5 - 6
  • Drvo Grozdje Seme (Cyphostemma juttae) 7.5 - 2
  • Drvo Grozdje Seme (Cyphostemma juttae)
  • Drvo Grozdje Seme (Cyphostemma juttae) 7.5 - 5
  • Drvo Grozdje Seme (Cyphostemma juttae)
  • Drvo Grozdje Seme (Cyphostemma juttae) 7.5 - 7

Drvo Grozdje Seme (Cyphostemma juttae)

7,50 €

Drvo Grozdje Seme (Cyphostemma juttae)

Cena je za pakovanje od 3 Semena.

Prelep sukulent poreklom iz juzne Afrike. Kada ova biljka cveta njeni cvetovi se jedva mogu primetiti. Ali zato njeni veliki jarko crveni grozdovi (koji su blago toksicni) prosto mame pogled. Svaka biljka ima

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Drvo Grozdje Seme (Cyphostemma juttae)

Cena je za pakovanje od 3 Semena.

Prelep sukulent poreklom iz juzne Afrike. Kada ova biljka cveta njeni cvetovi se jedva mogu primetiti. Ali zato njeni veliki jarko crveni grozdovi (koji su blago toksicni) prosto mame pogled. Svaka biljka ima jedinstveni oblik I ni jedna od njih ne lice drugoj. Ova biljka odlicno podnosi visoke temperature ali je zahvalna ukoliko u popodnevnim casovima stoji negde u hladu, pogotovo zbog toga da joj listovi ne bi izgoreli. Odlicno raste u saksijama i izdrzava i temperature od -2C.

First scratch the seeds lightly a few times over sandpaper or a nail file. Then soak them in a cup of water for 24 hours. Plant 1 seed per pot. Use small containers about 2" (5 cm) wide. The soil should be well draining, but be able to hold water. A good mix is 1/2 regular potting soil and 1/2 perlite. Cover the seed with 1/2" (1 cm) of soil. Don't compress the soil. After filling the pots, water the soil so that it's uniformly moist. Keep the pots at about 65-75°F (18-24°C). Ensure that the soil surface doesn't dry out, but don't keep the soil soggy either.

Germination is erratic and can take anywhere from days to months. Be patient, as most will eventually sprout. If you have a bag over the pots to retain moisture, remove it immediately after germination or the leaves can rot if they touch it.

Once the seeds sprout, give them filtered sunlight initially until they are a little taller. More tips on growing them are here.

Have fun growing them!

CT 6 (3 S)
129 Kom.