Pianta resistente al freddo e al gelo
Semi di Uva di mare (Coccoloba uvifera) 2.5 - 1
  • Semi di Uva di mare (Coccoloba uvifera) 2.5 - 1
  • Semi di Uva di mare (Coccoloba uvifera) 2.5 - 2
  • Semi di Uva di mare (Coccoloba uvifera) 2.5 - 7
  • Semi di Uva di mare
  • Semi di Uva di mare
  • Semi di Uva di mare (Coccoloba uvifera) 2.5 - 3
  • Semi di Uva di mare (Coccoloba uvifera) 2.5 - 4

Semi di Uva di mare (Coccoloba uvifera)

7,95 €

Semi di Uva di mare (Coccoloba uvifera)

Prezzo per Pacchetto di 3 semi.

" Uva di mare". Fiori bianco-crema, insignificanti, profumati. Qualche storico ha avanzato l'ipotesi che possa essere stata la prima pianta caraibica a dare il benvenuto a Cristoforo Colombo
Semi in confezione :

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Semi di Uva di mare (Coccoloba uvifera)

Prezzo per Pacchetto di 3 semi.

" Uva di mare". Fiori bianco-crema, insignificanti, profumati. Qualche storico ha avanzato l'ipotesi che possa essere stata la prima pianta caraibica a dare il benvenuto a Cristoforo Colombo e ai suoi uomini ( tratto dal libro "Piante rustiche tropicali")

Coccoloba uvifera is a species of flowering plant in the buckwheat family, Polygonaceae, that is native to coastal beaches throughout tropical America and the Caribbean, including southern Florida, the Bahamas, Barbados and Bermuda. Common names include Seagrape and Baygrape.
Coccoloba uvifera is a sprawling evergreen shrub or small tree that reaches a maximum height of 8 m (26 ft), but most specimens are little more than 2 m (6.6 ft) tall[citation needed]. It has large, round, leathery leaves (up to 25 cm/9.8 in in diameter) with a primary vein that has a red color extending from the base, and the entire leaf turns red as it ages. The bark is smooth and yellowish.
In late summer it bears green fruit, about 2 cm (0.79 in) diameter, in large grape-like clusters. The fruit gradually ripen to a purplish color. Each contains a large pit that constitutes most of the volume of the fruit.
Cultivation and propagation
Capable of surviving down to approximately 2°C, the tree is unable to survive frost. The leaves turn reddish before falling. Its seeds have to be planted immediately, for unlike most plants, they cannot withstand being stored for future planting.
Coccoloba uvifera is wind resistant, moderately tolerant of shade, and highly tolerant of salt, so it is often planted to stabilize beach edges; it is also planted as an ornamental shrub. The fruit is very tasty, and can be used for jam or eaten directly from the tree.
Coccoloba uvifera is a dioecious species; that is, male and female flowers are borne on separate plants, and cross-pollination is necessary for fruit to develop. Honey bees and other insects help pollinate these plants [4]; male and female plants can be distinguished by the appearance of their flowers, as males usually show dead flower stalks.
Hardiness: USDA zone 9B - 11
Propagation: seeds and cuttings
Culture: partial shade/full sun, drought tolerance
Coccoloba uvifera is most often used in landscaping, as it is a popular ornamental plant in south Florida yards as well as a dune stabilizer and coastal windbreak. Tall sea grape plants are even recommended to use as a light barrier between development on coastlines to protect sea turtles.
The wood of the sea grape is sometimes used for firewood, making charcoal and even cabinetry.
The reddish fruits of the sea grape may be eaten raw, cooked into jellies and jams, or fermented into sea grape wine. Sea grape wine may also be fermented into sea grape vinegar, which is also useful in cooking.
The sap of the sea grape is used in the West Indies and Jamaica for dyeing and tanning of leather.

 Sowing Instructions

  1. Seed Germination

    • 1

      Gather seeds from the ripe fruit of the sea grape plant. Remove the edible pulp from the seeds. Rinse the seeds with lukewarm water.

    • 2

      Fill 4-inch pots 3/4 full with sterile potting soil. Press two to three seeds into the soil of each pot at 1/4-inch depth. Pat the soil over top of the seeds to release air pockets.

    • 3

      Mist the soil in the pots with a spray bottle filled with water. Keep the soil moist throughout the germination process, which should take approximately three weeks.

    • 4

      Place the pots in an area that receives bright, indirect light. Maintain a temperature of 75 degrees F or above during germination.

    • 5

      Maintain moist soil and bright, indirect light conditions after the sea grape seeds sprout, and throughout the growing process.

    Root Cuttings

    • 6

      Mix a 50-50 ratio of sterile potting soil and perlite in a clean container. Fill a 4-inch pot 3/4 of the way full with the potting mix.

    • 7

      Choose a healthy stem from a mature sea grape plant. Cut a 3- to 4-inch piece from the tip of the stem.

    • 8

      Remove all of the leaves from the stem, except for the two leaves at the very tip. Stick the cutting down halfway into the potting soil, leaf side up. Place the pot in a window that receives bright, indirect light.


Sowing Instructions




soak in warm water for 24  hours



Sowing Time:

all year round

Sowing Depth:

1 cm

Sowing Mix:

Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite

Germination temperature:



bright + keep constantly moist not wet

Germination Time:

3 - 6 weeks


Water regularly during the growing season


Copyright © 2012 Seeds Gallery - Saatgut Galerie - Galerija semena. All Rights Reserved.

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Scheda tecnica

Semi selezionati con cura?
Sementi raccolte a mano
BIO Semi ?
Semi bio
Biologico ?
Pretrattamento della semina?
Immergere in acqua prima della semina: 24-48 h
Profondità di semina ?
Profondità di semina 1 cm
Perenne ?
Perenne: sì
Resistente al freddo e al gelo ?
Resistente al freddo: fino a - 5 ° C
Adatto per il vaso di fiori?
Adatto per il vaso di fiori: sì
La Seeds Gallery consiglia questa pianta?
La Seeds Gallery consiglia questa pianta!
Sempreverde ?
Sempreverde: Sì