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Australijska Ljubicasta Jabuka Seme (Billardiera longiflora) 2.5 - 5
  • Australijska Ljubicasta Jabuka Seme (Billardiera longiflora) 2.5 - 5
  • Australijska Ljubicasta Jabuka Seme (Billardiera longiflora)
  • Australijska Ljubicasta Jabuka Seme (Billardiera longiflora) 2.5 - 2
  • Australijska Ljubicasta Jabuka Seme (Billardiera longiflora) 2.5 - 3
  • Australijska Ljubicasta Jabuka Seme (Billardiera longiflora) 2.5 - 4

Australijska Ljubicasta Jabuka Seme (Billardiera longiflora)

2,50 €

Australijska Ljubicasta Jabuka Seme (Billardiera longiflora)

Cena je za pakovanje od 3 Semena.

Egzoticno voce  "Australian Purple Apple Berry" LJUBICASTA JABUKA Australijska Ljubicasta jabuka , takodje poznata kao planinski plavi Bobic, i potice iz Australije. Divno sjajne ljubicaste boje , jestiva je naravno i ima izvanredan ukus. Ljubicasta boja je kada je voce zrelo a u pocetk
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Australijska Ljubicasta Jabuka Seme (Billardiera longiflora)

Cena je za pakovanje od 3 Semena.

Egzoticno voce  "Australian Purple Apple Berry" LJUBICASTA JABUKA Australijska Ljubicasta jabuka , takodje poznata kao planinski plavi Bobic, i potice iz Australije. Divno sjajne ljubicaste boje , jestiva je naravno i ima izvanredan ukus. Ljubicasta boja je kada je voce zrelo a u pocetku zrenja je bele boje. Plodovi u potpunosti postaju zreli pocetkom zime . Plodove je najbolje brati krajem leta, pre nego sto postanu prezreli . Ukus je voma slican jabuci samo mnogo intezivniji sa jakim veoma prijatnim mirisom , otuda i ime , ova neobicna biljka se jede sirova ili cak przena i zacinjena . ljubicasta jabuka je izdrzljiva . Biljka koja ceni ako bude zaklonjena od jakih vetrova.

Sowing Instructions:

Sow in trays or pots on the surface of a mix of two-thirds peat based compost, eg. Levington and one third sand, and just cover the seed with a sprinkling of sieved compost or vermiculite.

Place in a propagator or seal inside a polythene bag and maintain an optimum temperature of 15-18C .
Germination should take place in 30-60 days .

Smoke treatment is absolutely essential for some Australian native plants and greatly improves germination in others. Simply put, the chemicals in smoke 'break' the seed's dormancy which is the first stage of germination - no smoke, no germination!
There are several methods of smoke treatment short of lighting a bushfire in your backyard. The simplest method is to sow the seed and cover them with smoke impregnated vermiculite as part of the sowing process. When you water, the chemicals are slowly leached out of the vermiculite and bathe the seed in smoke chemicals.

Growing Instructions:

Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into 7.5cm pots.
Over-winter at a temperature of about 5C.
Harden off and plant out when all risk of frost has passed in full sun or semi-shade.
Will be ok outside in mild areas but protect in cold areas with fleece or by maintaining in a container and over-wintering in a frost free place

V 31 (3 S)
656 Kom.


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Otporan na hladnoću i mraz ?
Otpornost na hladnoću: do -15 ° C
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Pogodno za skasiju: Da