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Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)
  • Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)
  • Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)
  • Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)
  • Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)
  • Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)
  • Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)
  • Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)
  • Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)
  • Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)
  • Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)
  • Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)
  • Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)

Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)

12,50 €
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Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)

Cena je za pakovanje od 1 semena.

Durian je plod nekoliko vrsta drveta koje pripadaju rodu Durio. Ime "durian" proizilazi iz malajeske jezičke reči za duri ili "spike". Postoji 30 priznatih vrsta Durio, od kojih najmanje devet proizvodi jestivo

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Seme Crvenog Duriana, Durian Marangang (Durio dulcis)

Cena je za pakovanje od 1 semena.

Imajte na umu, Durijan seme je dostupno samo kratko vreme, tako da vam možemo poslati sveže seme. Obično vreme čekanja za dobijanje svežih Durijan semena je oko 7 do 11 meseci.

Durian je plod nekoliko vrsta drveta koje pripadaju rodu Durio. Ime "durian" proizilazi iz malajeske jezičke reči za duri ili "spike". Postoji 30 priznatih vrsta Durio, od kojih najmanje devet proizvodi jestivo voće i preko 300 imenovanih sorti na Tajlandu i 100 u Maleziji. Durio zibethinus je jedina vrsta dostupna na međunarodnom tržištu: sve druge vrste se prodaju samo u svojim lokalnim regijama. Postoje stotine sorti durijana; Mnogi potrošači izražavaju preferencije za određene sorte, što dovodi do viših cena na tržištu.

S obzirom na to da su mnogi ljudi u jugoistočnoj Aziji naveli durian kao "kralj plodova", odlikovan je velikom dimenzijom, snažnim mirisom i ogromnom ljuskom koju pokriva trnje. Voćka može porasti do 30 cantimetara (12 inča) i prečnika 15 cantimetara (6 inča), a obično teži od jednog do tri kilograma (2 do 7 lb). Njegov oblik je okrugao, boje listova zelene do smeđe, a meso bledo žuto do crvene, u zavisnosti od vrste.

Neki ljudi smatraju da durijan ima prijatno slatki miris; Drugi pronalaze da aroma prevladava neprijatnim mirisom. Miris izaziva reakcije od duboke zahvalnosti do intenzivnog gnusa i opisan je različito kao truli luk, terpentin i sirova otpadna voda. Upornost njegovog mirisa, koja može trajati nekoliko dana, dovela je do proterivanja plodova od određenih hotela i javnog prevoza u jugoistočnoj Aziji.

Durian, rođen u jugoistočnoj Aziji, poznat je zapadnom svetu oko 600 godina. Britanski prirodni umetnik iz devetnaestog veka Alfred Russel Vallace opisao je meso kao "bogato bademom". Meso se može konzumirati u raznim fazama zrelosti i koristi se za ukus širokog izbora slanih i slatkih prehrambenih proizvoda u jugoistočnoj azijskoj kuhinji. Semena se takođe mogu jesti kada se skuvaju.


Ultratropski durian je iznenađujuće tolerantan na relativno niskim srednjim temperaturama. Postoje mesta na ostrvu Java između 400-600 m [1300-2000 stopa] nadmorske visine gde je durian uspešno uzgajan koji ima srednju godišnju normalnu temperaturu od samo 23 ° C. (73º F.) Neka istraživanja pokazuju da je rast ograničen Ispod prosečne mesečne temperature od 22º C. [71º F.]. Drveće može preživeti povremene uslove na temperaturi niže od 10º C. [50º F]. Na drugom kraju spektra, durijsko drveće u Indiji ponekad uspešno toleriše visoke temperature do 46º C. [114º F].


Durijskim stablima su potrebne obilne kiše ili ekvivalentno navodnjavanje. U većini delova Azije, gde raste durian, srednje godišnje padavine su veće od 2000 mm [75 inča]. Ipak, istorijski gledano, bolje lokacije proizvodnje su se razvile u područjima sa godišnjim srednjim padavinama od 3000 mm [125 inča] ili više, dobro raspoređenih tokom cele godine. U Indiji se durijsko drveće često sadi duž obala , gde koreni mogu doći do vode. Oni ne uspevaju veoma blizu okeana, jer nemaju toleranciju za slano tlo.


Durijsko drveće najbolje se razvija u bogatim, dubokim, dobro isušenim peskovitim ili glinenim zemljama (dubokim aluvijalnim ili glinenim zemljištima),sa  visokim sadržajem organske materije, opseg pH od 6 - 7. Teška glinena tla ne podržavaju dobar rast durijskog drveta.

Everything about Durio dulcis is just a little bit magical. The tree is one of the more rare durians, residing deep in the jungles of Borneo.  When in season, the red orbs dot the leafy forest floor like fallen Christmas ornaments, that sensational red leaping out of the green foliage like a natural stop light. It’s the strongest smelling durian, and its odor is said to waft as much as a kilometer through the jungle.

Durio dulcis has a bright red exterior with long, extremely sharp thorns that are sometimes yellow or black on the tips. It is extremely difficult to open because it lacks the weakened seams running stem to tip that every other durian opens along. Getting into a Durio dulcis requires a machete. Generally, the fruit is simply whacked in half and the gooey flesh is scraped out with the fingers.

In the case of Durio dulcis, the old adage, “Smells like hell but tastes like heaven” is exaggerated. The smell of Durio dulcis is absolutely overpowering. Although Durio graveolens literally means the “smelly durian,” the odor of Durio dulcis has by far the strongest aroma, an intoxicating vapor of industrial glue, menthol, and sugar.

Various botanists seemed to have had a love-hate relationship with the fruit. Writes durian explorer Wertit Soegeng-Reksodihardjo, “A

fruiting tree may be smelled for miles around, and a ripe fruit kept in a room is unbearably nauseating, even for the durian lover. Yet the pulp is most tasty and sweet.”

Regardless of opinions of smell, everyone agrees that in flavor Durio dulcis is unparalleled. The flesh is soft, almost soupy yellow draped loosely on large, nearly black seeds. It is the sweetest of the durians, like powdered sugar whipped into yogurt with a minty aftertaste. Anyone who likes mint chocolate will love this durian.


It grows wild throughout Borneo, but is not generally cultivated. Rob and I found it twice; at the Agricultural Park in Tenom, Sabah, and near a longhouse in the Upper Kapuas region of West Kalimantan.

Local Names

Durio dulcis is known by a variety of names.

Here are some that we found: Durian Lai, Durian Tahi (Poop durian, may be a joke),  Lahong, and Durian Merah (Red Durian. This can be also refer to the red-fleshed durio graveolens). Durian Api, Fire Durian.

Others have mentioned: durian bala (Kenya), Pesasang (tidung), durian isang (fish gill) and Durian Hutan (jungle durian).

Scientific Name

Durio dulcis literally means the “sweet durian”  in Latin. It was named by the great botanist Odoardo Beccari during his three year exploration of Borneo between 1865-1868. He first found this durian during a stay on Mattang Mountain, near Kuching Sarawak. It was that odor that drew him to the right spot. He says, “attracted by the sweet and delicious scent exhaled by some fallen fruits, I discovered one of the most exquisite wild durians of Borneo, Durio dulcis.”

Growing Durian Dulcis

Despite its excellent flavor and the unabashed enjoyment by durian lovers, Durio dulcis is only occasionally cultivated. It is not considered of economical interest and hasn’t been the subject of much research. The tree is large, at least 40 meters tall, and the flowers are a lovely shade of pink. Like most other durians, it is naturally found in mixed lowland dipterocarp forests in both swampy areas and ridges up to 800 meters altitude. It is a robust tree and it has been suggested to use it as rootstock in commercial durian farming.


Durian is surprisingly tolerant of relatively low mean temperatures. There are places on the island of Java between 400-600 m [1300-2000 feet] altitude where durian is successfully grown that have a mean yearly normal temperature of just 23º C. (73º F.) Some research has indicated that growth is limited below a mean monthly temperature of 22º C. [71º F.]. The trees may survive occasional dips in temperature as low as 10º C. [50º F.], but may drop their leaves. On the other end of the spectrum, durian trees in India sometimes successfully tolerate high temperatures up to 46º C. [114º F.].


Durian trees need abundant rainfall, or equivalent irrigation. In most areas of Asia where durians are grown, mean annual rainfall is greater than 2000 mm [75 inches]. Historically, though, the better production sites have developed in areas with annual mean rainfall totals of 3000 mm [125 inches] or more, well distributed throughout the year. There is no doubt, though, that drier zones can produce good crops with appropriate irrigation. In India, durian trees are often planted along the banks of streams, where the roots can reach water. They do not do well very close to the ocean, having almost no tolerance for salinity in the soil.


Durian trees grow best in a rich, deep, well-drained sandy clay or clay loam (deep alluvial or loamy soil), high in organic matter, pH range of 6 - 7. Heavy clay soils are not supportive of good durian tree growth and health, as they do not drain well. Seedlings make more vigorous growth when potted into media that is light and sandy rather than high in clay content.

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