Adenium Obesum Seeds "Lemon pink" 1.9 - 1
  • Adenium Obesum Seeds "Lemon pink" 1.9 - 1

Adenium Obesum Seeds "Lemon pink"


Adenium Obesum Seeds - Desert Rose 'Lemon pink'

Price for Package of 5 seeds.

Adenium Obesum or Desert Rose (Apocynaceae family) is a species of spectacular succulent native to tropical Africa and Arabia. The plant is a spreading succulent bush, two meters in height, with a thick

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Adenium Obesum Seeds - Desert Rose 'Lemon pink'

Price for Package of 5 seeds.

Adenium Obesum or Desert Rose (Apocynaceae family) is a species of spectacular succulent native to tropical Africa and Arabia. The plant is a spreading succulent bush, two meters in height, with a thick, fleshy, twisted globose base that tapers gradually upwards, may be rigid and upright, with rather weak and spreading, short branches. The leaves are fleshy deciduous, crowded at the top of the branches. The curious form of the plant is further enhanced by some of the showiest flowers of all succulents, often borne in masses over a long season. The flowers are pale pink to deep red on the petal margins, always fading to near white towards the throat. The throat (floral tube) is white, sometimes with a faint red nectar guide. The flower size averages about 6-7 cm (two inches) in diameter, but this is quite variable among clones. The Adenium is well adapted for growing in pots. Young plants of this variety have a small, ovoid caudex (woody base), and old specimens have large caudexes. Old plants, without any training, look like a bonsai. Despite their beauty and ease of culture, Adeniums are not nearly as popular as one might expect. Perhaps they simply haven't received the exposure they deserve. Adeniums are drought-enduring and can survive for two months or more without being watered. Over flooding of the pot while watering may lead to rotting of the stem base and roots.

Sowing instructions
Propagation: Seeds / Cuttings
Pretreatment: 0
Sowing Time: year round
Sowing Depth: 0.5 cm
Sowing substrate: Kokohum or sowing mix + sand or perlite
Sowing temperature: 20-25 ° C
Sowing Location: bright + keep constantly moist not wet
Germination: 2-4 Weeks
Fertilizing: weekly 0,2% or slow-release fertilizer
Pests: Spider mites> especially under glass
T 23 LP
411 Items

Data sheet

Pretreatment of sowing ?
Soak in water before sowing 12-24 h
Sowing depth ?
Sowing depth 5 mm