Lithops are surprisingly easy and fun to start from seed. Here is everything you need to know to grow them through their first year. The first set of true leaves that emerge from the cotyledons illustrate the
Lithops are surprisingly easy and fun to start from seed. Here is everything you need to know to grow them through their first year. The first set of true leaves that emerge from the cotyledons illustrate the potential for color, pattern, and texture in the mature plant. But it is the constant and slow progression of cyclical change that is most captivating.
The leaf colors and textures change completely on the way to bud formation and flowering. Their diversity through macro photographs of most of the Lithops species at key stages, some cultivars, a few hybrids, and crosses with Dinteranthus can be viewed in another link, Strangeplants Lucious spring colors appear with their second true leaves.
When old leaves start to die, shrink and consolidate, colors often change quickly and can become spectacular, even if only for a day.