Numex Big Jim Seeds 1.75 - 1
  • Numex Big Jim Seeds 1.75 - 2
  • Numex Big Jim Seeds 1.75 - 3
  • Numex Big Jim Seeds 1.75 - 4
  • Numex Big Jim Seeds 1.75 - 1

Numex Big Jim Seeds


Chili Numex Big Jim Seeds

Price for Package of 7 seeds.

The Numex Big Jim is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the producer of the largest Chile pods ever grown, with specimens in excess of a foot long (12 inches) not unknown.

Seeds in pack:

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Chili Numex Big Jim Seeds

Price for Package of 7 seeds.

The Numex Big Jim is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the producer of the largest Chile pods ever grown, with specimens in excess of a foot long (12 inches) not unknown. The variety was developed in the mid-1970s by Dr. Nakayama as a result of a breeding program at the New Mexico State University (NMSU), home of the Chile Pepper Institute.

Plants grow easily and vigorously and are surprisingly small in comparison to the gigantic pods growing between 24" to 36" high. Up to 30 pods may grow on a single plant that ripens from green to a deep red approximately 80 days after transplanting seedlings.

Due to the pod size and mild heat quotient (500 to 2,500 SHU), Big Jim is perfect for making decorative “ristras” as well as the classic (and very tasty) chile Relleno dish. To make Chile Relleno's, toast, peel and de-seed ripe chiles. Stuff them with your favorite plain or herbed cheese (cheddar cheeses work well). In a small bowl, beat two eggs with a dash of salt and a tablespoon of flour to make a light batter.

Dip each stuffed pepper into the batter before frying in hot olive or vegetable oil in a heavy skillet. Drain on paper towels, sprinkle with a bit of additional cheese, top broil and serve with fresh salsa. You can also add diced, cooked chicken or beef to the cheese stuffing if you wish or any other combinations you wish to try. Delicious!!.

C 11 NBJ
76 Items

Data sheet

Handpicked seeds ?
Handpicked seeds
Organic Seeds ?
Organic Seeds
Organic/natural ?
Organic/Natural: Yes
Edible ?
Chili pepper species ?
Capsicum annuum
Pretreatment of sowing ?
Soak in water before sowing 12-24 h
Sowing depth ?
Sowing depth 5 mm
Life Cycle:
Perennial plant : Yes
Suitable for growing in flower pot ?
Suitable for pot: Yes
Origin Country of Variety ?
Variety from: Mexico
1500 - 2500 SHU