Plant resistant to cold and frost

Coming Soon
Strawberry Guava Seeds (Psidium cattleianum) 1.5 - 1
  • Strawberry Guava Seeds (Psidium cattleianum) 1.5 - 1
  • Strawberry Guava Seeds (Psidium cattleianum) 1.5 - 2
  • Strawberry Guava Seeds (Psidium cattleianum)
  • Strawberry Guava Seeds (Psidium cattleianum) 1.5 - 4

Strawberry Guava Seeds (Psidium cattleianum)


Strawberry Guava Seeds, Cattley guava or Peruvian guava (Psidium cattleianum)

Price for Package of 5 seeds.

Fruit Description: Appearing in late Summer, they are small red fruit, very tasty, when ripe. Usually eaten fresh or used to flavor beverages, ice creams, desserts and jams. Strawberry guavas taste like a passionfruit mixed with strawberry. The skin is also

Seeds in pack:

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Strawberry Guava Seeds, Cattley guava or Peruvian guava (Psidium cattleianum)

Price for Package of 5 seeds.

Fruit Description: Appearing in late Summer, they are small red fruit, very tasty, when ripe. Usually eaten fresh or used to flavor beverages, ice creams, desserts and jams. Strawberry guavas taste like a passionfruit mixed with strawberry. The skin is also edible and tastes a bit like rose petals but is best removed for a sweeter flavour. The seeds are small and white in colour and can be roasted as a substitute for coffee.

Growth tips: Fast grower, fast to fruit, provide ample nutrition and water.

Usage: This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds. Suitable for growing indoors

Aditional information: Psidium cattleianum is closely related to common guava (P. guajava), but can survive under lopwer temperatures. This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds.


Psidium cattleianum,[1][2] named in honour of notable English horticulturist Sir William Cattley, commonly known as Cattley guava or Peruvian guava, is a small tree (2–6 m tall), bearing small red or yellow fruit, which are somewhat sour but sometimes eaten or made into jam. The red-fruited variety is known as strawberry guava; the yellow-fruited variety is known as lemon guava, and in Hawaii as waiawī. Native to Brazil and adjacent tropical South America, it is closely related to common guava (P. guajava), and like that species is a widespread, highly invasive species in tropical areas, especially Hawaiʻi. It tends to form dense, monotypic stands which prevent regrowth of native species, and is very difficult to eradicate; it also provides refuge for fruit flies which cause extensive agricultural damage.[3] As an invasive species, it is sometimes erroneously called Chinese guava.

The fruit can be eaten whole as both the thin skin and soft, juicy interior are edible. Strawberry guavas taste like a passionfruit mixed with strawberry; lemon guavas have a more acidic and spicier flavour. The skin is also edible and tastes a bit like rose petals but is often removed for a sweeter flavour. The seeds are small and white in colour and can be roasted as a substitute for coffee. Its leaves may be brewed for tea.

Sowing Instructions




soak in water for 12-24  hours



Sowing Time:

all year round

Sowing Depth:

0,5 cm

Sowing Mix:

Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite

Germination temperature:



bright + keep constantly moist not wet

Germination Time:

10 - 45 days


Water regularly during the growing season


Copyright © 2012 Seeds Gallery - Saatgut Galerie - Galerija semena. All Rights Reserved.

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Data sheet

Handpicked seeds ?
Handpicked seeds
Organic Seeds ?
Organic Seeds
Organic/natural ?
Organic/Natural: Yes
Edible ?
Pretreatment of sowing ?
Soak in water before sowing 12-24 h
Sowing depth ?
Sowing depth 3 mm
Life Cycle:
Perennial plant : Yes
Resistant to cold and frost ?
Cold resistant: to: - 5 °C
Suitable for growing in flower pot ?
Suitable for pot: Yes