Zinnia Tall Seeds
  • Zinnia Tall Seeds

Zinnia Tall Seeds


Zinnia Tall Seeds

Price for Package of 100+ seeds (1g).

A garden classic. Every garden should have a long row for endless colorful bouquets. Extensive color range. Sturdy upright plants grow 24-30" tall and flower until frost. Annual. Heavy blooming, 2.5-3 foot tall

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Zinnia Tall Seeds

Price for Package of 100+ seeds (1g).

A garden classic.  Every garden should have a long row for endless colorful bouquets.  Extensive color range.  Sturdy upright plants grow 24-30” tall and flower until frost.  Annual. Heavy blooming, 2.5-3 foot tall plants, covered in neat, fully-double, 1-2 inch flowers from July until frost. Include shades of scarlet, golden-yellow, pink, rose, purple, orange, and white. Perfectly formed blooms, long, strong, wiry stems make this one of the best zinnias for cut flowers.
F 38
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