A shrubby perennial from the mountainous areas of the Western Mediterranean but now gown all over the world. Strongly aromatic it will grow approx. 1m tall
A shrubby perennial from the mountainous areas of the Western Mediterranean but now grown all over the world. Strongly aromatic it will grow approx. 1m tall with long thin (3cm x 5cm) evergreen leaves. Popular for its colorful flowers, its superb fragrance and its ability to survive drought conditions.
The flowers which are mauve or lavender-colored are produced on spikes approx. 6 cm long at the top of long slender, leafless stems
Fairly tolerant of low temperatures and generally considered hardy it does not thrive in wet conditions.
When used as a seasoning it can be added with savory, dill and sage to meat and fish dishes, but also finds uses in the medical trade and in the perfume industry.
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