Nasiona Wonderberry (Solanum burbankii)Wonderberry Sunberry Seeds (Solanum burbankii)
Price for Package of 3 seeds.
Solanum burbankii is an annual berry developed as a cross from Huckleberry but with a much sweeter flavor and larger up to 1/2" diameter. Grow like a tomato in rows planted outside after all frosts have passed. The berries are produced very early even on 6" plants but take a while to ripen. The green berries are slightly poisonous and should only be harvested when black and non-shiny. Eaten raw there is next to no flavor but when cooked it develops into a taste superior to blueberries. Best for pies, jam, and jellies.
Very small shrub, usually growing to only 12-24". The wonderberry can fruit at just 3-4" high.
Not frost hardy. Grow as an annual. Sunset Zones: All zones USDA: All zones
Growing Environment
The plants are exceedingly easy to grow and care is similar to the tomato, except that wonderberries tend to be less picky about temperature and water, and generally fruit much faster. Can be grown in full or part sun outdoors, or in a sunny window. Sow seeds directly in the ground during summer, or start inside. Germination is best when soil temperatures are above 70F. Keep the soil damp and repot as needed; wonderberry plants need little attention to flowers and fruit. See also: garden huckleberry.
By seed.
Cooked and used as a flavoring for various desserts. The unripe (green) berries are poisonous.
Native Range
The wonderberry is a man-made cross between Solanum villosum and S. guineense, produced in the early 20th century by renowned plant breeder Luther Burbank. It closely resembles the wild garden huckleberry, and adding to the confusion, this common name is often used to describe the wonderberry as well. However, the flavor of the wonderberry is far superior to that of the garden huckleberry.
Sowing Instructions
Sowing Time:
all year round
Sowing Depth:
Needs Light to germinate! Just sprinkle on the surface of the substrate + gently press
Sowing Mix:
Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite
Germination temperature:
bright + keep constantly moist not wet
Germination Time:
1 - 8 weeks
Water regularly during the growing season
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